We want you to be successful. Being successful At Eq8 Crew means you are always preparing yourself for the next level, the next promotion.
From the day you join us to the day you retire, we work with you to manage your seagoing career.
You know that being a seafarer is a profession, not a job. You know that it takes years of experience to be an excellent senior officer or petty officer. It’s like being a doctor or lawyer: Graduation from school is only the start of a life of learning and growth.
We start by taking stock of where you are today and what your ambitions are. We can then plan your career path to achieve those aims. We will push and challenge you. We will demand that you complete your training and certification on time.
But the rewards will be worth it for you and your family.
Desk Officer
Deck Rating
Engineering Officer
Engineering Rating
Register your CV!
Our clients need people like you. Ambitious, talented, intelligent candidates, hungry for a great opportunity. Register with EQ8 Crew today and we’ll keep you informed of new opportunities.
Getting exposed to the best opportunities available is simple; just REGISTER with EQ8 Crew by emailing us a Word version CV which will be registered on our database.
Please ensure your CV contains valid key information such as an email address as well as your first name and surname.
Please avoid image based attachments being included in the email as this could impact negatively on your CV being uploaded successfully.